Jun 24Liked by Raymond K. Nakamura

I hear you on the forms. I never quite get them right either. I would blame it on poor UI design too, now that I have been exposed to UI designers and understand what it means. Sorry to hear about OSC - that's a horrible way to shut it down on top of it all.

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Jun 23Liked by Raymond K. Nakamura

Life Aquatic … if you haven’t seen it … you of all people must do so immediately!

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I just added that in a comment. When I was doing a blog for Science World, I initially called it The Life Scientific with Raymond Nakamura.

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Love it! I would have been floored if you hadn’t seen it 😂

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But now it has been so long ago, I don't remember too many details.

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Sounds like you could it again :)

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*watch it again haha

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Jun 23Liked by Raymond K. Nakamura

O no! I didn't know about the Ontario Science Centre being shut down! That's terrible news. I'm so sad.

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Jun 23Liked by Raymond K. Nakamura

Favorite Wes Anderson movie? That's difficult... Isle of Dogs, Moonrise Kingdom, and The French Dispatch are all up there.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Author

Agreed. As a marine biologist, however, I must say The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpU0DZXTGA0

By the way, I happened to be at Van Dusen Garden today with a friend, which reminded me of our stroll there when you were in town.

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Jun 23Liked by Raymond K. Nakamura

I love your work and your sensibility. It delights me.

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Thank you for saying.

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I mean it. I enjoy these so much I share them and they are fans of yours too.

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I really appreciate it!

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Although it is encouraging to think it is not just me, but it is also perhaps more disheartening to think the systems are just badly designed because that is harder for me to improve.

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Thanks for sending me the petition to the Premier of Ontario regarding the OSC, Ray. Unfortunately, I can't sign the petition without a valid Ontario postcode. I hope many many others sign the petition and stop the closure! I love the OSC.

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Fingers crossed.

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Dog poop. We have irresponsible owners let their dogs poo on our front lawn and the boulevard by the roadside, but I don't know where the poop comes from IN BETWEEN our and neighbour's house. Are dogs running free, as it would be a deliberate walk from the sidewalk to the space in between our houses. But I've only noticed 2x

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